PN Pursuits

In 2023-2024, Participation Nation launched the PN Pursuits program to replace the former High School Spirit program. This new program provides access to funding for established initiatives needing financial support to help increase participation in physical activities and encourage healthy, active lifestyles.

PN Pursuits
The PN Pursuits program has been developed to help off-set the cost of non-competitive activities designed to get high school students engaged in non-varsity, participation-based programs. These events must meet the guidelines of a Participation Nation activity. Funding through PN Pursuits is designed to support school groups or individuals for initiatives, training, equipment, or events that increase participation in physical activity (participants or officials), and support healthy, active lifestyles for the individual or group.
​As this is a pilot year for the program, funding will be available based on individual applications, to a maximum of $5,000. For more detailed information please contact